12 Days of Client Hub Holidays

Judie McCarthy
April 23, 2024

Growing up (and as an adult) one of my favorite holiday songs to sing has always been the 12 Days of Christmas.  To have some fun during this festive time I thought I would create my own “12 Days of Client Hub”.

On the 12th day of Client Hub our team has brought to you…….

12 Global Apps – 12 of the most popular accounting apps pre-populated and available to add to client Workspaces

11 Practice Resources – Add resources to your practice library and share with clients via their Workspace to provide them with on-demand access to forms, procedures, etc.… The sky is the limit (not 11)!

10 Client File Folders – Our new files management feature allows you to organize documents and files in folders – no worries, there is not a limit of 10!

9 Answered Client Tasks – Client requests for answers, information and files sent and managed much easier with Client Hub.

8 Accountant Resources – Use these valuable resources from our Help center to help you, your staff and clients get up to speed quickly with Client Hub

7 Client Conversations – Like many of our features, there are no limit! Conversations is the perfect way to get communications out of your siloed cluttered inbox and into our secure, shared platform.

6 Client Onboarding tips – Used and shared by some of our most successful partners!  These tips will help you to successfully migrate your client communications to our secure Workspace platform

5 Client Task types – Makes it easy for clients to answer and get the answers you want!

4 Awesome features – Conversations, Client Tasks, Links & Files Manager – The perfect client portal!

3 Panel Workspaces – Our 3-panel Workspace web app is intuitive and easy to understand

2 Practice Staff roles – Provides you the flexibility to determine who has access to which client Workspaces

And the absolute best, easiest and secure way to get client answers!!!

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