Top 5 Crucial Accounting Trends to Watch: In-Depth Insights

Chloe Hunter
June 6, 2024

The accounting industry has come a long way from its early beginnings, rooted in the basic necessity for businesses to keep track of their finances. In its genesis, accounting was predominantly a manual process, involving physical ledgers and a pen and paper approach. However, as the business world has evolved, so too has the field of accounting. The introduction of computers and software in the late 20th century marked a significant turning point. Tools like VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet software, and later, more sophisticated systems like QuickBooks, have revolutionized the way accountants work, significantly increasing efficiency and accuracy.

As we moved into the 21st century, the pace of change in the accounting industry accelerated. Technological advancements such as cloud computing, automation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have further transformed accounting practices. Today, accountants can access data in real time, automate routine tasks, and provide more strategic and advisory services, rather than spending the bulk of their time on data entry and reconciliation tasks. These shifts not only reflect changes in technology but also in the global business environment, with increasingly complex regulations, a greater focus on transparency, and the rise of the gig economy.

The importance of staying updated with industry trends for professionals cannot be overstated. As noted by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), continuous learning and adaptation are key to maintaining relevance and providing the best possible service to clients in an ever-changing landscape. Moreover, for businesses, keeping abreast of these trends is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. In a survey conducted by Deloitte, nearly all respondents agreed that understanding and leveraging technology trends is vital for organizations' success.

In this context, it becomes clear that both accounting professionals and businesses must invest in ongoing education and technology to thrive. Staying updated with the latest trends not only helps in navigating the challenges of an increasingly complex regulatory and economic environment but also opens up new opportunities for growth and efficiency. As the accounting industry continues to evolve, those who adapt and embrace change will be best positioned for success.

5 Accounting Industry Trends Defining The Future

As a professional in the accounting industry, to advance, you should recognize and understand new trends for 2022. With such transformation taking place in the industry, accountants need to think strategically and implement practices that make their firm future-ready only for many years that follow.

Here’s a list of 5 accounting trends that define the future.

#1: Automation Everywhere

The digital age has ushered in unprecedented changes across industries, with the accounting sector being no exception. Automation, essentially the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention, has significantly reshaped accounting processes, impacting everything from data entry to financial reporting.

At its core, automation in accounting refers to the application of software and technology to automate complex, repetitive tasks previously performed by humans. This encompasses a wide range of activities, from basic data entry and transaction coding to sophisticated tasks like tax preparation and financial analysis. The scope of automation extends beyond simple efficiency improvements, enabling better data accuracy, real-time reporting, and strategic financial decision-making.

A plethora of tools have emerged to facilitate automation in accounting. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technologies efficiently handle repetitive tasks, while Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms provide advanced data analytics, fraud detection, and even predictive insights. Prominent examples include:

  • QuickBooks: This widely used software automates everyday accounting tasks such as invoicing, billing, and payroll, making it easier for businesses to manage their finances.
  • Xero: Similar to QuickBooks, Xero offers extensive automation features, including bank feeds, transaction matching, and financial reporting, all cloud-based.
  • Sage Intacct: Apart from automating accounting workflows, Sage Intacct offers robust financial management features powered by AI, making it a favorite among growing and mid-sized businesses.

The transformation brought about by automation in the accounting industry is substantial. Automation can help reduce operational costs by up to 60%, highlighting the efficiency gains. Moreover, the accuracy of financial documents is significantly improved, as automated systems minimize human errors. Accountants can now devote more time to strategic tasks, such as financial analysis and advisory services, rather than getting bogged down by repetitive data entry work.

The future of automation in accounting looks promising, with technologies like AI and blockchain expected to play even bigger roles. Blockchain, for instance, offers a secure and immutable ledger -- perfect for transaction recording and verification, further automating and securing accounting processes. This accounting trend is set to redefine the skill sets required of accounting professionals, emphasizing analytical and technological expertise over traditional accounting tasks.

#2: Secure Cloud Accounting Solution

As businesses transition to digital-first approaches, cloud-based solutions, especially in accounting, have become pivotal. These platforms allow data and software to be accessed online anytime, anywhere, promising a revolution in how businesses manage their finances.

Cloud-based accounting solutions involve delivering various accounting applications over the internet. Unlike traditional desktop-based software, cloud accounting is hosted on remote servers, where data is sent into "the cloud" for processing and returned to the user. This model ensures that financial data and software applications are accessible online at any time from any device with an internet connection, offering greater flexibility and real-time operations.

One of the primary benefits of cloud accounting is accessibility. Business owners and accountants can access financial data immediately and from anywhere, enabling faster decision-making and increased productivity. Additionally, cloud solutions often come with automatic updates and upgrades, which means that businesses can stay up-to-date with the latest functionalities without additional costs or system downtime associated with manual upgrades.

Another advantage is cost efficiency. Cloud-based accounting software typically operates on a subscription model, eliminating the high upfront costs of traditional software and the need for extensive IT infrastructure. This makes it particularly appealing to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking for cost-effective solutions.

However, despite the multiple advantages, security remains a top concern with cloud accounting. To address these concerns, reputable cloud solutions implement robust security measures such as data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. It is crucial for businesses to choose providers that comply with industry-standard security certifications to ensure their financial data is protected against unauthorized access and breaches.

The adoption of cloud-based accounting solutions has seen significant growth in recent years. According to a study by, the global Cloud Accounting Software market is projected to be USD 2.682 billion in 2019 to reach USD 5.653.5 billion by 2029 at a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 7.8%. This growth is driven by the increasing recognition of the benefits of cloud solutions across various business sizes and industries.

The speed at which businesses are moving to the cloud underscores the strategic importance of digital transformation in accounting. As this accounting trend continues, more businesses will likely embrace these solutions to leverage their scalability, cost-effectiveness, and real-time capabilities.

#3: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Accounting

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the accounting sector, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insights. AI's impact on accounting processes signifies a shift towards more analytical roles for professionals, as the technology takes over repetitive tasks.

Artificial Intelligence in accounting involves using machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies to automate complex and time-consuming tasks. AI systems can learn from data patterns and previous outcomes to make predictions, categorize transactions, and even detect anomalies or potential fraud. This revolutionizes the way accountants work, allowing them to focus on interpreting data rather than compiling it.

AI transforms accounting in several key ways:

  • Efficiency: AI significantly reduces the time needed for data entry and reconciliation tasks, automating these processes with high accuracy.
  • Insight: With AI, accountants can analyze vast amounts of data to generate deeper insights into business performance, identifying trends and potential issues much faster than traditional methods.
  • Accuracy: Machine learning algorithms can improve over time, learning from past mistakes and reducing errors in financial reports.
  • Cost-saving: Automating routine tasks with AI can lower operational costs, allowing businesses to allocate resources to more strategic areas.

Several AI-powered applications are also already making waves in the accounting sector:

  • Automated Accounts Payable and Receivable: AI systems can automate invoice processing, from capturing invoice data to matching it with purchase orders and making payments, streamlining accounts payable and receivable processes.
  • Fraud Detection: By analyzing transaction patterns, AI can identify anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity, significantly enhancing an organization's security measures.
  • Financial Advisory: AI-powered tools can offer personalized financial advice by analyzing a company's financial data, market trends, and the economic environment.

While this accounting trend offers numerous benefits, it also introduces a range of challenges and ethical considerations that need to be addressed. The utilization of AI for handling sensitive financial data raises significant concerns regarding data privacy and security. Implementing stringent security measures is critical to safeguard against potential breaches and maintain the integrity of financial information. Moreover, ethical dilemmas, such as the risk of bias in AI algorithms and the implications of automated decision-making, are prompting discussions about establishing regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines for AI use in accounting. Another notable challenge is the skills gap; as AI technology becomes more prevalent in accounting, professionals in the field are required to possess not only traditional accounting expertise but also a strong grasp of technological capabilities, data analysis, and strategic planning. This shift necessitates ongoing education and training to equip accountants with the necessary skills to navigate the changing landscape effectively.

The role of AI in accounting is expected to grow substantially.  As AI technologies continue to evolve, they will increasingly automate complex tasks, provide strategic insights, and redefine the role of the accountant. Embracing AI is no longer optional for accounting professionals; it's a strategic imperative for staying competitive in a rapidly changing world.

#4: Blockchain

Blockchain technology, initially developed as the foundation for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has emerged as a transformative force across various sectors, prominently impacting the accounting field. It offers a secure, transparent, and efficient approach to recording transactions, setting the stage for a significant overhaul of conventional accounting practices. Blockchain's functionality as a distributed ledger ensures that transactions recorded across numerous computers are secure and immutable, enhancing the integrity and verifiability of financial records - a feature that is particularly appealing in the realm of accounting.

With blockchain technology, an accountant can view their organization’s obligations and available resources.

According to Forbes, blockchain is a technology based on accountancy.  It has caught accountants’ attention, and many accountancy firms like the big four-EY, PwC, Deloitte, and KPMG have joined in the blockchain trend.

The adoption of blockchain in accounting heralds several key advantages, including the automation of reconciliation processes and a significant reduction in the need for manual audits, leading to both time and cost savings. Real-time financial reporting becomes a reality with blockchain, thanks to its capability for immediate transaction recording and updating. Applications range from smart contracts, which automate contract terms, thereby streamlining payroll and compliance reporting, to simplifying the audit process with an immutable ledger. This technology also facilitates easier intercompany reconciliations by providing a shared platform for recording transactions within the same organization.

However, the journey towards widespread blockchain integration in accounting faces its share of challenges, including technical barriers, regulatory uncertainties, and the inevitable learning curve for professionals in the industry. As the landscape evolves, the accounting workforce must embrace a new skill set that merges traditional accounting practices with blockchain adeptness. Experts project that, with the maturing of blockchain technology and the establishment of clearer regulatory frameworks, its role in accounting will only grow more significant. This evolution is expected not only to streamline and enhance the accuracy of accounting processes but also to redefine the role of accountants, shifting their focus towards more strategic functions within the business. As the industry adapts to these technological advances, those who pioneer the integration of blockchain into their accounting workflows will likely set the pace for the future of the profession.

#5: Accounting Workflow Solutions With Client Communication Built-In

Workflow is a planned and repeatable sequence of tasks. It is the process of transforming resources into services. Accounting workflow solutions are more indispensable than ever.

Accounting workflow solutions offer an all-in-one platform to help track project status and audit who completed tasks on a project. How you arrange the task determines your workflow.

A centralized hub or dashboard can help keep every detail in the pipeline, such as project requirements. You can also see who is working on it and delegate extra hands if needed.

For this reason, it will make a difference if you have a solution that can handle any accounting firm’s standard workflow on a daily basis.  It can be any process—a compliance process, client onboarding, team communication, advisory, sales, or something else.

Client Hub centralizes communication with the client and it’s a modern all-in-one platform built for modem accounting firms. Within the platform you can communicate directly with the clients without suffering bottlenecks in your tasks and get stuck awaiting client response.

Client Hub is not only a client communication tool, but also a platform for building your internal workflows that are also connected to the client accounts, helps with the secure file sharing and much more.

How Technology Is Shaping The Future of The Accounting Industry

Change is the only constant thing in life, and so goes for business. Technology changes alleviate unexpected business disruptors to adapting to new operational models, and sets the pace for a multitude of accounting trends

The accounting industry isn’t an exception, moving from mere bookkeeping and payroll to an increasingly strategic role for the future. With the right technology—such as automation, AI, blockchain, secure clouds, and others, you can evolve how an accounting firm operates.

Technology has shaped  the accounting industry’s future by impacting the type of job made available. There is a general fear of technology replacing humans in the future; the answer is probably NO.

Technologies like secure-cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and blockchain empower the accounting industry by reducing manual data entry and improving data speed, accuracy, and quality.

As systems handle the repetitive aspect, humans deal more with the analysis. Future accounting jobs will require professionals willing to evolve alongside the industry.

Human accountants should never be underrated. The specialized training of accountants will add value to the accounting industry and check the AI’s performance.

Ideas are  born and businesses built; accountants will act as trusted advisers. Technology will change, no doubt,  but the dynamics will remain the same and more than likely, strengthen.

Technology will continue to impact the role of the accountant  and the industry, so leaving behind is never an option, especially in the post-COVID year of possibilities—2022.

In case you want to learn more about the technology trends in the accounting industry and keep up with time, learn it from one of the most trusted go-to sites like Client Hub.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the current accounting trends?

The trends are few but all of them point towards the same thing: digitization is everywhere. Listed below are some of the current trends in the accounting industry:

  • Focus on data analytics
  • Remote work setting
  • Advisory services
  • Utilization of social media
  • Big data in accounting

What are current trends in accounting and finance?

The current trends in accounting and finance have brought massive opportunities to the industry. It requires the accounting team’s time and attention to ensure successful growth. Some of the trends are listed below:

  • Outsourced accounting
  • Improved technology
  • Value-based pricing
  • Demographic shifts
  • Valuable, real-time data

Is the accounting industry growing?

Yes, the accounting industry is experiencing significant growth. This expansion is driven by a combination of factors including the increasing complexity of financial regulations, the need for greater transparency in financial reporting, and the growing economy that demands more from accounting professionals. Additionally, the advent of new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and automation is not only adding to the efficiency of accounting services but also opening up new avenues for advisory and analytical services. Consequently, there's a higher demand for skilled accountants and finance professionals who can navigate these changes, indicating a robust future for the industry.

What are other future trends in accounting?

Looking ahead, the accounting sector is expected to evolve further with several key trends gaining momentum:

  • Greater emphasis on cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive financial data
  • Expanded use of blockchain technology for secure and transparent transactions
  • Rise in the demand for sustainability reporting as businesses focus more on environmental impact
  • Enhanced collaborative tools to facilitate more efficient remote and hybrid work environments

How is the accounting industry changing?

How is the accounting industry changing?

The accounting industry is undergoing a transformative period marked by technological advancements and changing business models. Key factors contributing to these changes include:

  • Integration of Technology: Accounting professionals are increasingly leveraging software and tools for data management, analysis, and reporting. Automation and artificial intelligence are streamlining repetitive tasks, allowing accountants to focus on strategic advisory roles.
  • Shift to Cloud-Based Solutions: There is a significant shift towards cloud accounting, which allows for real-time access to financial data, improved collaboration, and scalability for businesses of all sizes.
  • Remote Work Adaptation: With advancements in technology, remote work has become more feasible and is reshaping the traditional office environment, thereby affecting hiring, communication, and collaboration practices.
  • Expanding Role of Accountants: Accountants are taking on more advisory and consultative roles, moving beyond compliance and tax preparation, to provide insights that contribute to business growth.

Overall, the accounting industry is becoming more dynamic, tech-driven, and strategically focused, requiring continuous learning and adaptation from its professionals.

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