Firing a Client Like a Professional

Judie McCarthy
September 21, 2022

Growing and bringing on new clients is often a focus for accounting firms. However, there will also be times when you have to let clients go. Firing a client is never an easy task, and it’s one task that is often filled with emotions and guilt.

In our recent article, we discuss how to fire a client professionally. We dive into three main areas of discussion, including the following:

Identifying Problem Clients

First, you need to identify your problem clients. There are often signs that a client may require too much work and is a bad fit, such as:

  • Cancelling meetings at the very last minute or simply not showing up
  • Failing to provide timely communication or documents
  • Calling, emailing or texting beyond operating hours and expecting an immediate response
  • Making demands that go well beyond what’s acceptable

Once identified, it’s time to actually let go of the client.

Letting Go of the Client

This is the hard part. Letting go of the client requires you to remain strong and not fall for a guilt trip that keeps the client on the books for longer. Instead, you’ll want to do a few things:

  • Alert the client that you’ll no longer be able to work with them after a specific date, but be sure to give them ample notice
  • Refer the client to someone else when you can
  • Remain as respectful as you can throughout the entire process

Next, it’s time to offboard the client.

Offboarding Recommendations

Offboarding is your way of getting everything in writing, so be sure to have:

  • A written and signed notice with an end-of-service date
  • Ways for the client to download their files
  • Technology transition guidelines
  • Etc.

Sometimes, clients are not “forever clients.” When you identify a client that no longer fits the mold for your ideal client, it may be time to let them go.

To learn more about how Client Hub can help you with streamlining your workflow or to schedule a demo, contact us here.

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