Guide to Transition Teams to New Technologies

Judie McCarthy
November 13, 2022

New technology can benefit your firm in many ways, but transitioning to a new system can be stressful and challenging. To make the transition as seamless and simple as possible, you need a plan.

In our recent article, we discuss the steps to take to transition to new technology. These steps include:

1. Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Make sure that your team understands what the new technology is, how it will benefit them, and your commitment to finding the best solution for your firm. If the software is client-facing, consider the impacts on your clients.

2. Incentivizing the Transition

Incentives can help motivate your team to complete training and start using the new technology. Make sure that your incentives are something your team values. A celebration of the transition and employee gifts can motivate your team to complete the process.

3. Put Someone in Charge of the Transition

Assign a Change Champion to handle your transition, including the planning of the set and rollout, coordinating the training, and offering your team support.

4. Create a Rollout Plan

The next step is to create a plan for your rollout. Set a timeline, and make sure team members know who is responsible for what. For client-facing features, offer resources and additional support to make their transition as easy as possible.

5. Begin The Training Process

It’s now time to start the training process. Make sure that you have a plan for initial training and ongoing support for new features or updates in the future. You’ll want to train current and future staff, too. Reach out to your account manager with your software provider to see if they offer any resources or assistance with training your team.

While their training assistance can help, it’s still important to ensure your team understands why and how you’re using the technology.

We cover these points and more in a more in-depth way in the full article. Read the full article here to get all of the details.

To learn more about how Client Hub can help you with adopting new technology or to schedule a demo, contact us here.

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